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The Proof-of-Concept with IBM Tools 
  Specifications for the Proof-of-Concept using the IBM Toolset
This is our Vision of the Future
Implementation Options
Ubiquitous Generic Data Platform with Events, XML Messages, Msg Broker and RSS Feeds

Our Vision of the Future
Our Vision presents some very interesting challenges, and this Proof-of-Concept explores them with the aim of building a State-of-the-Art demonstration to show what can be achieved in late 2010.

IBM Software Tools
IBM provides some useful facilities :-
  • An interesting perspective for the Smarter Planet,
  • A Mashup Center
  • A Spatial extention to DB2.
    The UK Government has started an Open Data Initiative
    (with the help of Tim Berners-Lee), which includes Mashups from Talis.

    Status :-
    1. Problems starting-up the IBM Mashup Center.
  • This is our Vision of the Data Architecture for the Future
    Implementation Options
    Dashboards, Widgets, Messages,Web Services, Object Formats, Publication Methods and RSS Feeds

    Data Architecture of the Future
    It provides a wide range of Digital Assets of different formats with an indication of how the different Media can be processed.

    Status :-
    1. Definition of the Data Architecture is in progress.
    This is the kind of data that a typical Family will be interested in.
    Implementation Options
    Widgets, Web Services, Publish and Subscribe Facilities and RSS Feeds

    3-D Streets
    User Scenarios
    User Scenarios are a very powerful technique.
    In this case, let's imagine a typical Family planning to move to London.England.

    They would like to find good schools, compare crime statistics, hospitals, the price of houses and so on. The underlying Data Model is shown on another page.

    Here is a Vision of the Future of Databases, and you can check out our Presentations.

    This Vision brings up some very interesting challenges, and this Proof-of-Concept explores them with the aim of building a State-of-the-Art demo.

    Status :-
    1. IBM Products to be determined, eg DB2 GeoSpatial extensions.

    This shows a BI approach, with Traffic Lights showing Red, Amber or Green depending on the situation for three types of data - Cleanliness, Vandalsim and Ethnic Origin.
    Implementation Options
    Data Marts, Generic Design with Data Wrappers, KPIs, Dashboards and Web Services

    Traffic Lights (Red-Amber-Green)

    IBM Software Tools used here :-
    1. Cognos Express

    Status :-
    1. Problems starting-up Cognos Express.

    There are six Stages in our Road Map for Best Practice for Enterprise Data Management.

    Stages in the Database Answers Road Map
    IBM Software Tools used here :-
    1. Data Governance
  • IBM Data Governance Council.
  • Maturity Model
    2. Performance Reports -
  • Cognos
    3. Data Marts
  • IBM Industry Models 4. Data Integration -
  • Cast Iron
  • Rational Data Architect for data modeling and integration design.
    5. Data Sources
  • InfoSphere Business Glossary.
    6. Information Catalogue -
  • InfoSphere Business Glossary.
  • Information Server's enterprise vocabulary and classification system
    Other Web Links :-
  • Info Perspective.
  • Data Studio for data-driven applications.
  • Participate in developerWorks blogs

    Status :-
    1. Problems with Data Studio.
    2. Getting started with other sofwtare.
  • This is the underlying Data Platform
    Implementation Options
    Global Data Platform, MDM and Web Services

    Data Platform (Click for large image)


    IBM Software Tools used here :-
    1. InfoSphere Foundation Tools

    Status :-
    1. Waiting for response from Paul of IBM in London.

    This shows the POC SOA Middleware Layer with an Enterprise Service Bus and so on.
    Implementation Options
    Generic Data Marts, MDM, Common Data Model, Enterprise Svc Bus and Web Services

    POC SOA Architecture (Click for separate Page)


    IBM Software Tools used here :-
    1. DB2
    2. Master Data Management (MDM)
    3. SQL
    WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus

    Status :-
    1. Problems trying to use SQL in DB2.

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