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  A Good Client is hard to find !!!
It seems to be harder to find good clients these days.
I keep in touch with about a dozen independent Consultants and these represent a summary of our experiences.
I would like to share the experiences of myself and other independent Consultants to help us in our search.
It seems that all Indian companies have a reputation for treating both Consultants and permanent employees badly.
Please let me know if you have any experiences or opinions that you would like to share.
Just email me on info (at) !!!

Company Country of Origin Number of Employees Glassdoor Link Glassdoor Rating Glassdoor Staff Comment Our Comments Advice Redeeming Qualities
Cognizant India N/A Glassdoor 3.5 / 5 Employees are “Satisfied” N/A N/A None
Heathrow Airport UK N/A Glassdoor 4 / 5 Employees are “Satisfied” Political environment, looking for Consultants to take the blame. Adjust your expectations downwards Looks good on the CV
Infosys India 100,000 Glassdoor 3.2 / 5 Employees say it's “OK” Treat Independent Consultants with contempt - be prepared to take legal action to get what is in your contract. Avoid at all costs None
Wipro India N/A Glassdoor 3.1 / 5 Employees say it's “OK” Treat Independent Consultants with contempt - cancel Contracts early Avoid at all costs None
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