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Boschendal, South Africa
  Self-Assessment Questions and Stages

These Questions help you go to the right Stage for you
Do you need to design a new Database ? Stage 1
Do you need to produce documentation for an existing Database ? Stage 1
Do you need to handle multiple languages ? Stage 1
Do you use multiple types of Database, such as SQL Server and Oracle ? Stage 2
Is Data Quality an Enterprise Issue ? Stage 2
Do you have a Single View of the Things of Importance, such as Customers ? Stage 2
Do you have Master Data Management (MDM) in place ? Stage 2
Can you verify the derivation of all data (the 'Data Lineage’) in your Reports ? Stage 3
Do you want to combine Excel data in your Reports ? Stage 3
Is it difficult to meet all your Chief Exec's Report requirements ? Stage 4
Is anyone using Mashups in your organisation ? Stage 4b
Do you have a top-down view of Data Management in your organisation ? Stage 5
Does your organisation have a Data Governance function ? Stage 5
Do you have a Information Catalogue, Data Dictionary or Data Repository in place ? Info Cat

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