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'Self-Service' Agile Enterprise Data Model   
An Access Database is available.

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If you are new to Data Models, this page of my new Tutorial will help you understand the Data Model.

The purpose of this page is to help you to build your own Enterprise Data Model.

Agile Data Model

Enterprise Data Models :-
Click here to see 22 Enterprise Data Models
and here to see 33 Platforms in the right-hand column.

Subject Area Models :-
Click here to see 41 Subject Area Models.

You can build your own solution by combining any Enterprise Platform or Model
with any combination of the Subject Area Models that suits your requirements.

If you get started and have any questions on the Self-Service Enterprise Model, feel free to email me on .

Barry Williams
Principal Consultant
Database Answers Ltd.
London, England
July 29th. 2017

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