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Data Model for Airport-in-a-Box 
An Access Database is available.

The Specifications are based on our experiences flying to Denmark and Holland for 12 months.

A Data Mart has been created in BMEWS Pattern 1 to provide a starting-point for Enquiries and Reports.

If you are new to Data Models, this page of my new Tutorial will help you understand the Data Model.

You can download a Tutorial on Generic Data Modelling covering Travel and Passengers in an Airport.
We have designed a Model for Message Handling Systems

This shows Apex OSS, how Entity Mapping to our Canonical Model. and BI on the Beach.

Here are Links to Subject Areas for Baggage and Flights.

Data Model
Data from the Operational Syatem on the left
and loaded into the Data Warehouse and Data Marts.

Barry Williams
January 26th. 2014
Database Answers Ltd.
London, England

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