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Customer Journey Mapping (Basic)
Scuba Diving in Fiji (where I met my beautiful Malaysian wife) is a great Customer Experience We have also designed a Data Mart which is a natural starting-point for answering management Enquiries, producing Business Intelligence, Performance Reports and KPIs.

When we created this page, Customer Journey Mapping as an initiative had been taken up by the British Governnment.
It was also taken up by a number of Local Authorities such as Stoke City Council, and was enthusiastically supported by a number of consultancy companies, such as People and Participation.
It is still mentioned on the Web Site of Experience Solutions who have published a very interesting one-page example of a Customer Journey Map.

On May 15th. 2014, I went to a Sales Exhibition in the Excel Centre in London and attended an interesting presentation by Oracle and learned about some good work being done in "Designing CX" at Stanford University in California.

As a result, I designed this more complex Model.

Conceptual Data Model

Logical Data Model

Customer Journey Mapping

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