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Data Model for a Customer Lifetime Value 
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Here is a very interesting introduction in Wikipedia.
There are four Steps to my Approach :-
Step 1. Determine the Factors involved.
Step 2. Identify the Data Sources for each Factor.
Step 3. Consolidate the Data Sources into a 3rd. Normal Form Data Warehouse for review by the Users.
Step 4. Draft the design of a Data Mart to generate totals, percentages and other KPIs.
Here is the original Specification provided by the User :-
Hi, Barry Williams,
My name is Junyi Yang. 
I am a senior undergraduate studying at University in Connecticut in the USA.  
I represent my research team and I have been asked to contact you.
We are currently doing researches on Customer Lifetime Value of life insurance companies.
After I browsed your website, I found that your database are very helpful. 
And if possible, we would like to request for a database including variables: 
  • life insurance policies,
  • birth order,
  • social network usage,
  • employment/self-employment
  • single-parent with children/not. This research is important to us and we would like to share any information and progress we could with you. Apparently, we are undergraduate without any modeling and data analysis experience. So we are also appreciate that if you could enlighten us how to make model with or without actual data. Thank you for your time! Best, Junyi

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