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Data Model for the Domo Business Mgt Platform   
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Click here for some thoughts on 'Getting started with Domo'.

Step 1 : Identify the Requirements

1) The Wikipedia Entry for Domo states "Domo, Inc is a form of business intelligence (BI) that is a business management platform, delivered as a service, to CEOs
and executives.
The service is designed to provide direct, simplified, real time access to business data without any IT involvement."
We can summarise this as 'a business management platform designed to provide direct access to business data without any IT involvement.'
2) Jerome Tillotson states :-
"What we are focussing on the area is best practices around Data Conbfigurartionb and Strategy, Cards & Pages, Datasets and Users/Roles.
And then how to approach a strategy that always focuses top-down on the business prHere is oblem.
"What we’re focusing on in the area is best practices around Data Configuration and Strategy, Cards & Pages, Datasets, and Users/Roles.
And then how to develop a roadmap for the business and data, how to audit, naming conventions around datasets, and
how to approach a strategy that always focuses top-down on the business problem.
This is a key for us as we strive to provide solutions to help make people’s businesses better and that does not revolve around the technology, it revolves
around answering real and useful business questions.
Step 3) Draft the Conceptual Model
Step 4) Review with Drew and Jerome.

Step 2 : Define the Things of Interest

Step 3 : Draft the Conceptual Model

Step 4 : Draft the Business Data Platform

Products and Stages
Users can select Products at each Stage.

Cards and Pages
Users can retrieve and visualise Data.

Domo Five Steps

Migration Strategy

Traditional Data Architecture

The Roadmap helps to plan for the future.

Barry Williams
Principal Consultant
Database Answers Ltd.
London, England
May 29th. 2016

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