Database Answers Championship Gaming International
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Database Model for Gaming Competitions 
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A Database Model for Gaming Competitions

The purpose of this game is to teach you how to design a Database to administer a Gaming Competition.
For the moment, the first answer to each question is always the first one.
If the user always chooses the first one, he or she will go straight to Question 4, which is thr final Answer and the design of the Database.

There are 4 Questions (Numbered 1,2,3 and 4) and the data is in the Questions_to_Build_a_DB_Model Table.
Originally I called the Table Questions_in_Building_a_Database_Model but that was too long for Oracle.
Each Question has 3 possible Answers stored in the Possible_Answers Table.
The data is stored in the Possibler_Answers Table and consists of Possible Answers (1.1,1.2, 1.3,   2.1, 2.2, 2.3,  3.1, 3.2 and 3.3)
with the Next_Question_Number (2,1,1, 3,2,2,  4,3 and 3)

Question 1) What are the Things of Interest ?
Answer 1.1) (Correct) Competitions, Questions, Answers, Competitors 
Answer 1.2) (Incorrect) People, Places, Prizes 
Answer 1.3) (Incorrect) Anything else. 

Here the User chooses the Things of Interest
If he/she chooses 1.1 then the next Question is 2.
Then if he/she chooses 2.1 then the next Question is 3.
Then if he/she chooses 3.1 then the next Question is the final Question 4 and success !!!
A choice of 1.2 or 1.3 means they stay on Question 1.
Similarly, a choice of 2.2 or 2.3 will mean they stay on Question 2,
and a choice of 3.2 or 3.3 wil mean they stay on Question 3.
A message should be displayed saying "Bad luck, please try again."

Question 2) How are these Things related ?
Answer 2.1) (Correct) Every Competition contains many Questons 
                    Every Question has many Actual Answers
                    Every  Answer comes from a Competitor
Answer 2.2) Anything else
Answer 2.3) Anything else 

Congratulations - you have correctly identified the 'Things of Interest' 
that will become Tables in our Database shown here (listed alphabetically)

Question 3) What else do we know about these Things ?
Answer 3.1) (Correct) Every Thing has an Identifier 
Answer 3.2) (Incorrect) Anything else 
Answer 3.3) (Incorrect) Anything else 

This diagram shows how the Things are related

Question 4) Congratulations again = you are a WINNER !!!

This is a Logical Data Model that shows the Fields in each Table.
The final step before we can create our Database is to define the Data Types for each Field.
Functional Specifications :
Question 1) What are the Things of Interest ?
Multiple choice Answers :-
Answer 1) (Correct) Competitions, Questions, Answers, Competitors - Next Question is 2
Answer 2) (Incorrect) People, Places, Prizes - Next Question is 1
Answer 3) Anything else - - Next Question is 1
Question 2) How are these Things related ?
Multiple choice Answers :-
Answer 3) (Correct) Every Competition contains many Questons - Next Question is 3
                    Every Question has many Actual Answers
                    Every  Answer comes from a Competitor
Answer 4) Anything else - Next Question is 2
Answer 5) Anything else - Next Question is 2
Question 3) What else do we know about these Things ?
Multiple choice Answers :-
Answer 6) (Correct) Every Thing has an Identifier - Next Question is 4
Answer 7) (Incorrect) Anything else - - Next Question is 3
Answer 8) (Incorrect) Anything else - - Next Question is 3
Question 4) Congratulations = you are a WINNER !!!
Table Name : Possible Answers
Possible Answer ID Question Nr Question Text Answer Nr Next Question Nr
1 1 What are the Things of Interest ? 3 4
  4 How are these Things related ? 6 7
  7 What else do we know about these Things ? 9 10
  10 Congratulations = you are a WINNER !!!    

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