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The Health Center is just out of sight (in Fiji)
Health Center Data Model Requirements

This Page defines the Requirements for a Database for a Health Center.
It contains four Sections :
1. Things of Interest
2. How these Things are related
3. Characteristics of these Things
4. User Scenarios
  1. The Things of Interest include :-
    • Patients
    • Appointments
    • Staff
    • Medications
  2. How are these Things related :-
    • A Patient can make and cancel zero or many Appointments
    • An Appointment is made for a Staff Member by a Patient.
    • An Appointment is for a specified Date, Time and Duration.
    • A Patient can be prescribed a specified Medication.
    • Over a period of time, a Patient can be prescribed a number of different Medications.
  3. Characteristics of these Things :-
    • A Client has :-
    • First Name, Last Name, Address, Home Phone Number, Email Address, Height, Weight, Date of Birth.
  4. User Scenarios :-
    1. The Staff Member can select a Patient Name from a List and see the Appointments for the Patient.
    2. Then the User can click on a Patient Name to seee the current situation.

Barry Williams
Principal Consultant
Database Answers

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