I have created sets of my Data Models aimed at Industry-Specific Applications.
These would be of interest to developers or software houses targetting specific Industries.
This topic was raised on
LinkedIn on December 17th..
Here is an interesting article on
Industry Logical Data Models
by Steve Hoberman in the Teradata magazine.
Industry-specific Models have also been produced by IBM
and Teradata
and by Oracle for Banking
and Communications.
The American-based ARTS (the Association for Retail Technology Standards) organisation is the standards body for the Retail industry.
They have released a
Relational Data Model and Data Warehouse Model.
The Data Model and its related product, the Data Warehouse Model - are available to ARTS members only.
To see details of the ARTS Models you have to be a paid-up member of ARTS, which is not cheap for a casual interest.
But the
ARTS Data Dictionary is free and you can get an idea of the Attributes and Entities in the Models.
The Models from IBM, Oracle and Teradata are delivered to support their marketing efforts and are not free of charge.
The only free Data Models I am aware of the ones currently on this Web Site ;-0)
This page has links to other pages where we have grouped a number of Data Models under specific industry headings.
We also have Enterprise Data Models which offer a top-Level Model
supported by Subject Area Models.