Data Model for the Invisible Models

 Invisible Models Phase 1 - Start with the Customer Experience
 Our initial interest is in the Sales Receipt that a Customer gets 
 when making a purchase in a Store.
Data Model Phase 1 for Invisible Models
 Invisible Models - Phase 2 - Add the Staff Experience
 In the second Phase, we extend our interest to thinking about the 
 life of Staff who get training to do their Jobs, make Journeys to and
 from Home where they have a Family life with Children who go to Schools.
Data Model Phase 2 for Invisible Models
 Invisible Models - Phase 3 - add Customer Journeys and Staff Skillsa
 Add Locations plus Staff Skills and Training
 Our initial interest is in the Sales Receipt that a Customer will take a Journey by Train.
 This requires a Locations Entity which will have an Origin and Destination.
 At this point, we think about creating an ERD to provide a overview that helps understand 
 the logic begin our Data Model.
Data Model Phase 2a for Invisible Models
 Invisible Models - Phase 4
Finally, we have a Top-Level View of what has gone before.
Data Model Phase 4 for Invisible Models
 ERD without Events
This does not show Events.
Here are links to some Subject Areas :-
  • Journeys (Trains and Boats and Planes)
  • Locations
  • My Life (Home and Family)
  • Railway Reservations
  • Reservations (Generic)
  • Retail Customers
  • School Management Systems
  • Skills and Authorisations
  • Skills Tracking
  • Training Evaluation
  • Data Model Phase 4 for Invisible Models
     ERD with Events
    This shows Events.
    In addition to the links listed above, here is one for another Subject Area :-
  • Events (Canonical Data Model)
  • Data Model Phase 4 for Invisible Models

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