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Data Models for Supply Chains   

I created these Models after I attended a very interesting meeting organised by Sedex and the UN Global Compact (UNGC) about Supply Chain Transparency.

An Access Database is available.

We might design a Data Mart (Dimensional Model) which is very useful for providing data for Reports and Business Intelligence.

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If you are new to Data Models, this page of my new Tutorial will help you understand the Data Model.

Our unique approach provides processing on a common holistic Platform with a generic Data Architecture which provides built-in Payroll and Reservations functions.

This is the pictorial version of the diagram on the right.

Data Architecture

Business Rules These are the Business Rules that the Conceptual Data Model must comply with. R.1 The Events in a Supply Chain are defined by in a number of Event Sequences. R.2 People and Organisations can be involved in an Event. R.3 Documents can be generated in an Event. R.4 Payments can be made as part of an Event. R.5 Supplies can be used in an Event.

This is the Pictorial Version of the diagram on the right Interesting for Business Users

Logical Data Model (ERD)

Barry Williams
Principal Consultant
Database Answers Ltd.
London, England
February 21st. 2018

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