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Data Model for Wine Lists 
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The Area being Modelled is :-
A Data Model for Wine Lists
The Requirements have been defined by a review of the Waitrose Wine and Spirits List. 
Barry has defined the 'Things of Interest' as follows :-
A.1 Colours
A.2 Countries
A.3 Regions
A.3 Vineyards 
A.4 Years
A.5 Others to be determined
The Business Rules are as follows :-
B.1 A Region is always in a Country
B.2 A Wine is always associated with a Country
B.3 A Wine is sometimes associated with a Region 
B.4 Every Wine has a Colour, including Champagne
B.5 Every Wine has a Year
B.6 Non-Vintage Champagnes do not have a Year.
    Therefore the Relationship between Years and 
    Wine is optional at the Years end.  

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