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  A Framework for Data Management implemented using Informatica
This Framework for Data Management includes a comprehensive number of Stages that cover Data Sources at the bottom and Data Governance at the top.
The Table shows the Concepts and then the production of Specifications.
The right-hand column shows how these Specifications are finally implemented using Informatica.

  This table shows the value-added Phases from Concept on the left through Specifications to Implementation on the right
  Best Practice ---> Tutorials ---> Templates Informatica
Best Practice
- Description of the State-of-the-Start

- Step-by-Step

- Spreadsheets, Generic Data Models, etc.
- Examples for Vertical Industry-specific solutions - eg CRM, Government, Law Enforcement, Students

MDM Tutorial
- Law Enforcement

Cloud Data Integration Services
- Informatica Development Platform
- Mapping Specs for Law Enforcement

Data Mapping
- Mapping Specs for Law Enforcement

Data Validation and Clean-up
- Validation Rules

Reference Data
- eg Country and Language Codes

Data Models
- Vertical Industry-specific Solutions

Reference Dictionary
- Information Catalogue

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