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Glossary of Terms Entry   
Data Model for the Glossary of Terms
The diagram on the left shows that an entry in the Glossary of Terms is associated with
Synonyms, Tags, Related Terms and Roles.
This is an example for GNR to show our current thinking works in practice.

Glossary of Terms Entry
DEFINITION GNR stands for 'Global Name Recognition' and is an IBM term covering the discpline of matching names from any culture or style.
Arabic names have a certain style which commonly includes the father's name.
This is also true for South-East Asia, such as Malaysia, as well as India and Pakistan.
It is therefore appropriate to refer to Personal name (eg 'John') and Family name (eg 'Doe').
However, this is not true for typical European or American names.
ROLES Information Analyst
(Also Known As)
Global Name Recognition
WEB LINKS 1) IBM Web Site for GNR,    2) GNR Library
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