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MetaData Repositories 
A MetaData Repository is a vital component for Enterprise Data Management
Recording and managing data in a large-scale environment requires an industrial-strength tool designed especially for that purpose. In a situation where a number of different Tools are being used, it is appropriate to consider using an Integration Product, such as that offered by MetaIntegration.
Here is a section on Standards :-
  • OMG
  • The Object Management Group is proposing a Common Warehouse MetaModel, UML and XMI.
  • Oracle
  • Common Warehouse Model.
    Here is a selection of Vendor Products :-
    Adaptive Metadata Manager
    Part of an impressive range of Products from Adaptive
    Bloor has written a very favourable report of the Adaptive product set :-
    ASG Rochade
    The price is difficult to find, which probably means 'If you have to ask, then you can't afford it' !!!.
    Here's a useful Rochade User Goup,(not managed or censored by ASG).
    Data Advantage Group
    Data Advantage Group's Metacenter repository is an Enterprise Tool offering customization and impact analysis.
    Data Foundations (SAG) Data Foundations OneData from Software AG
    Global IDS
    Offers a very interesting (and detailed) Data Discovery Architecture.
    IBM MetaData Workbench
    InfoLibrarian Corporation
    A very impressive Web Site, with a wide range of useful information about Metadata Management.
    Offers the InfoLibrarian MetaMart™ and InfoLibrarian Metadata Repository™.
    Prices start from $795 for InfoLibrarian Studio™ and Free Evaluation Downloads are available.
    They also offer many packages ranging from the InfoLibrarian Studio™ to the Enterprise for metadata management, data governance and Master Data Management. 00
    LogiDex Offers "Lifecycle Manager", which displays complex, enterprise application environments in a graphical style.
    MetaIntegration Described by Giga as "The Switzerland of Integration Tools" - prices from $2,000 for Personal Edition up to $60,000 for the Enterprise Edition.
    MetaMatrix A sophisticated Product.
    Microsoft Good article from MSDN magazine on how to Create a Database Schema Repository using XML with Meta Data Services in SQL Server
    SAS Warehouse Administrator.
    SchemaServer From SchemaLogic.
    Syspedia From Syspdeia
    Unicorn Repository "The Data Semantics Company".
    And here are people doing very interesting work on Table-driven Application Generation :-
    Alphora Their Dataphor product (at $5,000/licence) "provides a complete foundation for Automated Application Development (AAD)", and they have a very interesting page on Database Theory.
    Deklarit Their product (at $900/licence) "provides a simple way to automate a great part of the application design, development and maintenance process.",
    Ilog Based around a Business Rules Engine, now taken over by IBM.
    Versata Their product automates Business Rules which declare Processes and Data Structures and works with IBM's WebSphere.

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