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  Personal Qualities for Success
This page discusses some personal qualities for success at different Stages in Enterprise Data Management.
  • Stage 5. Qualities for Success in Data Governance To be successful in Data Governance it is important to be comfortable working with senior management and to have a clear idea of what is achievable in large organizations and how to establish agreement over overall goals for an enterprise. Someone who works in this area is happy to work with senior management and will understand just enough about technology to make an effective contribution and to ensure that the role of technology is used to the maximum effect.
  • Stage 4. Qualities for Success in Performance Reporting To be competent in this area of Performance Reporting it is useful to be able to see things from the User’s perspective and formulate the layout and content of the Reports accordingly People who are successful working in this area are happy to work with End-Users and to formulate Report requirements in a style that can be easily understood and implemented by the developers who might be the Report specialist. They are subsequently able to implement the inevitable changes requests by the End-user and manage the expectations of the End-user and developers. Qualities for Success in creating Mashups To be successful in creating Mashups it is necessary to possess a number of qualities :- • To have some level of experience as a developer • to like to work with user people • to enjoy seeing results produced quickly that meet a clearly defined User requirement. • to enjoy keeping up-to-date with innovations in fast-moving technology • to be able to recognize innovations that are important and have lasting power.
  • Stage 3. Qualities for Success in Designing Data Marts To be successful in designing Data Marts it is important to have a talent for visualizing the User’s Requirements and for translating this to a formal design of Dimensions and Facts, together with the most important aspect, which is the derivation of the data required from the underlying basic data.
  • Stage 2. Qualities for Success in Data Integration To be competent in this area it is important to have a clear understanding of the end-to-end process of transforming Source data into Target data and to derive satisfaction from achieving the end-result of seeing good-quality data loaded and available for subsequent analysis and reporting. Someone who works in this area is comfortable working with Developers, Managers and End-Users and is able to establoish mutual respect with all three groups of people.
  • Stage 1. Qualities for Success as a DBA or DB Designer Skills include T-SQL for SQL Server and PL/SQL for Oracle. A good Database Administrator (DBA) likes to have responsibility for a clearly defined area, namely a production Database. He (or she) is happy to make decisions and defend them against questions from Developers, Managers and End-Users. It is useful for a Database Designer to have a DBA background, but is likely to welcome the challenge of interacting with Users, creating a design for a new Database and working with Users to get agreement on the new design.
  • Stage 0. Qualities for Success working with an Information Catalogue To be successful in maintaining and publishing an Information Catalogue it is helpful to enjoy detailed work and to be committed to ensuring that all interested parties are in agreement about Roles and Responsibilities. It is also useful to have an eye for detail and to have an appreciation for the way in which the separate Components within the Information Catalogue are interrelated.

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