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UN GC Case Study of Aviva
Examples of how Aviva has followed the principles of the Global Compact. Material in this Case Study is taken from the Aviva Corporate Social Responsibility Report for 2003.

1.0 These example are taken from the Report for CSR 2003.

Aviva regards ethical practice as the cornerstone of responsible business.

2.0 Poland

In 2002, CU Polska set up an internal audit function to review group governance processes.

3.0 Romania

Aviva Romania provides all employees with a staff handbook, which includes mandatory procedures for employees on mioney laundering, dress code, annual leave policy and so on.

4.0 Italy

Our business in Italy complies fully with the national and internal labour contracts, which povide guidance for responsible behaviour.

5.0 Canada

In CGU Canada, the standards of business conduct policy must be signed upon hire, and this commitment is renewed once every calendar year after that.

6.0 Portugal

Eurovida, our bancassurance joint-venture business in Portugal, is committed to creating a strong company culture based on ethical business conduct, focussing on integrity, fairness, quality and excellence.

7.0 The UK

In the UK, our businesses encourage their employees and agents to conduct their duties in a professional manner, maintaining rigorous standards of integrity, honesty and conduct.
  • Norwich Union

    In 2002, Norwich Union Insurance further developed the money laundering regime, which included enhanced reporting and computer based training. Over 85% of staff have been trained since implementation.
  • Morley Fund Management

    Morley Fund Management operates a corporate gift register, to monitor gifts received with a value of over £25.
  • Norwich Union Central Services

    In 2002, Central Services implemented a hospitality register, whcih centrally records all external hospitality invitations,(including gifts), offered to Central Services employees.
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