This shows 8 Slides that can also be viewed one at a time which allows the Teacher to describe each one for one minute.

Slide 1

The Scope is what we see around us - for example, Students with a Teacher in a Classroom.

Slide 2

The 'Things' are the School, the Classrooms, the Teachers, the Students,
Subjects and Classes, but excluding, for example, Books.

Click here or on the picture to go to the Hampton School Web Site.

Slide 3

23 Hampton boys on their way to Oxbridge, 2016
Here we define the Business Rules that our Database must comply with.
For example -
R.1 In a School there can be many Classrooms.
R.2 In a Classroom, there can be many Students.
R.3 Each Student can register for many Classes.
R.4 A Subject can be taught in many Classes.
R.5 Each Teacher can teach many Classes.
In a Classroom there will (usually) be one Teacher and
many Students (as we show on the left).
Slide 4

Here we see boys enjoying Science class
From the Business Rules we can create a conceptual Data Model that looks like this -

This Model is very useful for discussions with all interested parties.
Slide 5

We can identify things that are small in number by a Name or Code.
This applies to the School and Classrooms and perhaps Teachers.
For other things, like Classes or Students, we usually generate numbers, such as ABC123.
Then, of course, we keep a table to translate each number to a specific name.
Slide 6 Our Logical Model has more details and is a big step to the physical Database.
Because of the detail, we used a commercial software Data Modelling package,
which we can use to generate the Database.
Slide 7
Finally, we create the Cloud Service.
This allows anybody to use our Database in the UK or around the world.
They can monitor attendance, print off Attendance Reports and so on.
Slide 7 If we decide to add more Student details, then this Conceptual Model from our
Student Information Systems Data Model could be our starting-point ...

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