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A Data Security Architecture for a Teradata Data Warehouse   
I have written a book on 'GRC by Example' and you can click on the image in the top right-hand corner to find it on Amazon.

Teradata Data Security Architecture Requirements for a GRC Platform can be defined at the three levels in the diagram :-

Governance is concerned with Roles and Responsibilities which requires Document Management.

Risk Management requires some specific facilities and Document Management to run Scripts.

Compliance is concerned with Policies and Procedures.
This requires the same facilities to run Scripts and follow documented Procedures as Governance.

Click here for the Data Model which is used to establish the features required in software support for the Risk Monitoring System.
Click on the diagram to go to the Teradata Web Site.

Scroll down to see the Risk Monitoring System.
We would be glad to have your comments.

Another page lists some Security-related links on the Teradata Web Site.

In the diagram, the section entitled 'Security Policies and Procedures' is from the Teradata Web Site.
Risk Monitoring System and GRC Platform The diagram on the left shows the Risk Monitoring System which is built on a GRC Platform.

It is designed to be used from an initial Proof-of-Concept ('POC') through to a fully-featured Application.

The intention is that early facilities that are not sensitive can be demonstrated 'in-the-Clouds' to establish a POC.

BI on the Beach
Data Quality

The picture on the left shows a CIO who was relaxing on the beach, and is now responding to 
an Alert on his cell/mobile telling him about a breach of security with the Teradata Data Warehouse 
that he needs to respond to.

Barry Williams
Principal Consultant
Database Answers Ltd.
London, England
November 28th. 2012

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