- Title
- Background
This gives information about the country and the situation there. Most of it can usually be copied from the
UN Country Profile.
- Brief Description of the Project
(This is taken from the Chapter Number and Description in the Database).
- Goals : a discussion of goals, objectives and expectations.
- Brief History :
Background, important events, influences and relevant socio-economic factors.
- Major Elements of the Project
Description of activites, programmes, etc.
this will usually be the largest section in the report.
- Partnerships and Alliances
Description of relationships with organisations in the poublic and private sectors.
- Monitoring and Evaluation
Description of evaluation activities taken to date.
Even if no formal evaluation has taken place,
there should be some discussion of strenths and weaknesses in the Practice.
- The Future
A brief discussion of what the future might be for the continuation of the Practice,
including challenges and opportunities.
- For more information
Mailing, phone, fax or email addresses.
- Quotes and Photos
Photos and other graphics can help to enliven the text and give some
color to the writing. Direct quotes from participants or staff members on the
Project can often be included for the same reason.
- Length of the Case Study
A Case Study is between 4,000 and 10,000 words.
The finished document can be submitted online, emailed or posted.