This page defines the Guidelines for a Submission to the Best Practice Awards, organized every two years by
UN-HABITAT and Dubai.
There will be an entry in the Infomation_Catalog table for each Best Practice which is available.
- a) Name of the Best Practice
b) City/Town
- Address of the Best Practice
- Contact Person
- Type of Organisation
Choose from this List
- The Nominating Organisation
(only if different from the above)
Using the same format, etc..
- The Partners
Using the same format as ...
- Type of Partner Support
For each Partner, specify the type of support provided ....
- Administrative Support
- Financial Support
- Political Support
- Technical Support
- Other
- Financial Profile
Using the table below ...
- Category of the Best Practice :
From the list below ....
For example, this work falls into the 'Technology, Tools and Methods' Category
- Level of Activity
Select one of the following ...
- Eco-System
Select the Eco-System ...
- Summary
(no more than 250 words)
Summarise the purpose and achievements of the initiative ...
- Key Dates
Provide no more than five dates, and describe in no more than five or six words, their significance.
- Narrative
In 2,000 words or less, use the following headings and suggestions to describe your work.
- Situation before the initiative began [50 words]
- Establishment of Priorities [100 words]
- Formulation of Objectives and Strategies [100 words]
- Mobilisation of Resources [200 words]
- Process [400 words]
- Results Achieved [250 words]
- Sustainability [300 words]
- Lessons Learned [300 words]
- Transferability [300 words]
- References
Using the format below, please identify ...