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BMEWS End-to-End 

This shows the layers in the BMEWS Architecture ...
BMEWS Ends-to-End

More details are available ...

  • BI on the Beach for Airport Management.
  • BI on the Beach for Banking.
  • BI on the Beach for Retail Customers.

  • Data Mart for Airline Operations.

  • Data Warehouse for for Airline Operations.

  • Generic Services

  • Master Data Framework and Model

  • Reference Data

  • Data Foundation / Architecture
  • This shows the ERwin Canonical Data Model

    ERwin Canonical Data Model

    We have developed Cloud Services for the Airport-in-a-Box and Retail Customers.
    The Data Models are based on the Canonical Data Model and are shown below ...
    This shows the Data Model for the Airport-in-a-Box

    Data Model for the Airport-in-a-Box

    And these are for Banks, Retailers and Personal Trainers...

    Data Model for Banks (Retail)
    Data Model for Retail Customers
    Data Model for Personal Trainers

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