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Business Rules
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Underwater in Fiji
  • This is an increasingly important area, and we are currently developing Heuristics to create Data Models.
  • Check out the Business Rules Community
  • Business Rules Forum
  • and the Business Rules Group.
  • An excellent Product Review from the Data Administration Newsletter.
  • FrameWork has a RuleTrack product,
    covered in this interesting article in Intelligent Enterprise magazine.
  • Business Rules Traceability Initiative (BRTI).
  • and here's an excellent Book - Business Rules Applied.
  • and a book by an excellent writer -
    What not How - Business Rules Approach to Application Development by Chris Date.

  • List of Products and Vendors :-
  • Blaze Advisor from HNC.
  • Brokat
  • Corticon Studio (also a very well-designed Site).
  • RuleTrack from Business Rules Inc.
  • RuleTrack from Framework Software (Member of the BRTI).
  • ILog JRules
  • LOGIST from ESI Knowledge
  • U-Soft
  • and Business Rules Designer from Versata

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