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Books on Data Architecture
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Books on Architecture

It is hard to find good books on Data Architecture. In fact, it's hard to find any at all.
Maybe I should write one, except that I don't believe in writing books in the Internet age,
and this Web Site is my alternative.
The Zachman Framework is often quoted as an overall Framework within which Data and Services can be 
integrated and aligned with Business Drivers.
A demand for Data Architects is growing as the Internet and e-Commerce forces many organisations 
to rationalise and integrate their Data Sources.
Here is a small selection of Recommended Books, all of which are good on Zachman :-
Amazon 5-Star Component Database Systems Dittrich and Geppert
Amazon 4.5-Star Enterprise Architecture Planning Spewak and Hill
Amazon 4.5-Star Building Enterprise Information Architecture Melissa Cook
Amazon 3-Star Data Stores, Data Warehousing & Zachman Framework Inmon, Zachman and Geiger

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