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  Bang for the Buck Data Models

This page answers the question :-
'How many useful Data Models can we design that consist of not more than six Entities or Tables,(excluding Reference Data) ?'.
We are always interested in comment so feel free to comment or make suggestions.

  Here is our current Selection

Customers and Orders The 'classic' Data Model, usable for a wide range of applications.
Customers and Services A variation of the classic Data Model for Services, which are typically provided over a period ot time.
Generic Foundation Organizatons, Peoples and Events.
Marriages (Contemporary) Provides for same-sex 'Marriages'.
Marriages (Traditional) As things used to be, before same-sex 'Marriages'.
Partnerships & Relationships The General version for Partnerships & Relationships.
Product Catalogs (Simple) Airlines, Hotels, Restaurants, etc..
Product Catalogs (Complex) Airlines, Hotels, Restaurants, etc..
Reservations Events, Organizations and People.

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