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Boschendahl Estate, South Africa Back to the Data Model.
The Draft Business Rules have been defined and are listed below.
The Area being Modelled is :-
A Construction and Manufacturing Business.
A.1 The Approach has been to create two separate Data Models - one for the Manufacture of 
Equipment, and the other for the use of the Equipmenet in Construction.
A.2 A Terminology has been adopted which seems natural and will therefore be readily accepted
by the Users. The Entities in the Data Models have then been defined to reflect this Terminology.
A.3 Crews are shown on the Construction Model but not on the Manufacturing Model.
Their appearance Model needs more details, and in particular, needs identification of 
specific items of Equipment.
A.3 Usage Rates for Consumables are defined as characters instead of numbers, in order 
to store things like '100 per hour
B. The Things of Interest, ('THINGS'), include :-
B.1 Assemblies, which is the same as a Part, or an item of Equipment of the field.
B.2 Bolts.
B.3 Consumables
B.4 Crews.
B.5 Equipment.
B.6 Manufacturers
B.6 Materials.
B.7 Parts, (Assemblies).
B.8 Products.
B.9 Product Suppliers.
B.10 Sub-Assemblies.
B.11 Tools, (also called Assemblies, Equipment or Parts).
B.12 Vendors.
C. These THINGS are Related as follows :-
C.1 A PART can be put together into another PART at a higher level of assembly.
D. Other Characteristics of these THINGS include :-
D.1 A CUSTOMER can have one or many TELEPHONE_NUMBERS.
E. Sample Data includes :-
E.1 To be determined
F. Typical Enquiries include :-
F.1 To be Determined
Barry Williams
8th. February 2003
Principal Consultant
Database Answers

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