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The Draft Business Rules have been defined and are listed below.
The Area being Modelled is :-
e-Commerce Customers, Products, Orders and Shipments.
A.1 A Product Hierarchy has been assumed, where each Product has just one Parent Product.
B. The Things of Interest, ('THINGS'), include :-
B.1 Customers
B.2 Orders.
B.3 Payment Methods
B.4 Products.
B.5 Shipments
C. These THINGS are Related as follows :-
C.1 A CUSTOMER can have one and only one ADDRESS. 

The Shipping Address will always be the Billing Address,
If a Credit Card is used for Payment, then the address on the Credit Card will also be the Shipping Address. C.2 A CUSTOMER can place zero, one or many ORDERS. C.3 A CUSTOMER can have one or many PAYMENT_METHODS. C.4 Each ORDER can involve one or many PRODUCTS. C.5 Each ORDER can involve one or many SHIPMENTS. D. Other Characteristics of these THINGS include :- D.1 A CUSTOMER has a GENDER, which is validated against a table of valid GENDER_CODES. E. Sample Data includes :- E.1 To be determined F. Typical Enquiries include :- F.1 To be Determined
  Barry Williams
7th. March 2003
Principal Consultant
Database Answers
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