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Data Model for the Ultimate Internet of Things 
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Samsung has acquired Smart Things for its Open Platform to show an increased commitment to the Internet of Things.
Zebra Technologies are active exploring new applications, including American Football players in the NFL
being fitted with RFID tags to be tracked, and sending out signals 25 times a second for their movements to be tracked in real-time.
Here is a very interesting Data Architecture from Martin Kienzle of IBM Research.
An interesting contribution from Seb Lee-Delisle.
Here is a link to a Data Model published by Michael Koster and an article in the Washington Post about the Internet of Guns.
On June 1st. Bloomberg Businessweek published an interesting item about the Internet of Things and a new company Called Jasper Technology.

On April 22nd. Cisco announced the opening of a Centre with UCL and here's the Oracle View 22nd. Cisco announced the opening of a Centre with UCL and here's the Oracle View

  • If you are new to the Internet of Things (IoT'), then I recommend you start with this Wikipedia entry on IoT.
  • You might also check out this Wikipedia entry on RFID
  • Here is an item about how Qantas Airline's next generation Check-in is using RFID-enabled Baggage Tags to
    make Passenger progress through an airport easier and faster.
  • And on January 22nd. 2014, I came across this interesting article entitled 2014 : An Internet of Things Odyssey.
  • And on January 26th. the Sunday Telegraph Business Technology Supplement had a reference to this article by ARM

  • An RFID tag allows an individual Bag to be tracked during its progess through an airport.
    The tag will contain passenger details so if a Bag gets misplaced it can easily be reunited with its owner.
  • On February 15th, I found this interesting Blog about Hacking the IoT

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