Database Answers the Ultimate Internet of Things (Click for Web Site)
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Data Architecture for the the Ultimate Internet of Things   
Click here for some background. Cisco offers a very interesting view on the Internet of Everything

In our Data Model, a Car would be an example of a type of 'Thing'
We have also created Data Models for these related Subject Areas :-
  • A Bag is a Thing
  • Behavior of Things
  • People Master Index
  • Things
    Qualcomm Why Wait is worth checking out.

    Here's a Slide show 1

    An IoT Platform

    A Platform for the Internet of Things

    Layers in the Data Architecture

    Conceptual Data Model for the the Ultimate Internet of Things

    Progress to Implementation

    ERD Data Model for the the Ultimate Internet of Things

    Barry Williams
    Principal Consultant
    Database Answers Ltd.
    London, England

    © DataBase Answers Ltd. 2015

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