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Strategy for Layered Service Delivery Platforms   
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A Phased Strategy -

Phase 1 (end May)
The Customer-Services Platform
  • Retail (T.K.Maxx)
    1. Buy Shoes
  • Services
    1. Request (Inspection) Service
    2. Deliver Service
    3. Inspect Service

    Phase 2 (end May)
    The Banking Platform
    1. Deposits
    2. Withdrawals
    3. Check Balances

    Phase 3 (end May)
    The Logistics Platform
    1. Move House

    Phase 4 (end June)
  • Travel (Heathrow)
    1. Take Train Trip
    2. Take Plane Trip
    3. (with Bags)
  • Transport (Maersk)
    1. Ship car to Sweden

    Phase 5 (end June)
    Everyday Events Platform
    1. Go to Work
    2. Go to THE Bank
    3. Visit School
    4. Visit Zoo with Group
    5. Electric Toothbrush (Oral-B)
    6. Go Home
    7. Have Dinner with Family
    8. Go Training
    9. Go to Football Match

    Phase 6 (end July)
    The Internet of Things Platform
    1. Send Shipment (Trace Car)
  • Details of Demonstration Data -
    Phase 1
    Customers -
  • Name, Other Details
  • Services -
  • Code, Name

    Phase 2
    Customers -
  • Add Accounts
  • Services -
  • Make Deposit
  • Make Withdrawal
  • Check Balance

    Phase 3
    Customers -
  • Add Adddress From, Address To
  • Services -
  • Add Vehicles, Staff, Supplier.

  • Max Workspace
    Workspace is A13674, user, with m123.
    The Strategy is to build one basic Service for each Platform
    and then to refine it for a specific Customer.
    Demonstration Data
  • Submit a Timesheet
  • Buy Shoes
  • Request, Supply and Inspect Service.
  • Take a Train Trip and a Plane Trip
  • Make a Shipment
    Robertson - This shows that a record is created in the Events
    table when a Customer requests a Service

    Our generic Application Architecture is based on CRUD operations, which are the four common operations that apply to any Data Item :-
    1. C = Create (or Write)
    2. R = Read (or Get)
    3. U = Update
    4. D = Delete (not normally used)
    Here are the three Layers in our generic Application Architecture :-

    For each Phase,we will build on the same Application Archtecture.
    This will include a Data Warehouse and a Report Engine.
    We will build on our Canonical Data Model, with Inheritance,
    Design Patterns, Generic Services and Subject Area Data Models.
    Phase 1 Inheritance
  • Retail Customers and Documents
  • Customer Services and Documents

    Phase 2 Inheritance
  • Travel and Transport

    Phase 3 Approach
    Design Patterns and Generic Services

    Phase 4 Approach
    EDMs and Subject Area Models.
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