Email me if you would like
an Access Database.
If you are new to Databases, this page will help you understand Keys and Relationships.
The User Requirements have been established.
I decided to apply the 'My Work' approach to my own life, and here are the results so far.
It seemed to me I needed the three basic Facilities of Data Entry, Search and Display.
I am preparing a rough draft of these three Facilities ...
My Work is my Research Project to investigate the feasibility of a 'Universal Front-End' to all the information in an organisaiton.
The purpose is to have one common point of access that would be used for recording details and searching for anything.
It is therefore an excellent and thought-provoking example of how we might be using Databases to help us in our work.
I am currently working on the first Step.
This is to prepare a Spreadsheet with different Worksheets for each kind of information in the Catalogue.
This can then be loaded into an Access Database and then be made available over a corporate Intranet.
If you'd like to apply to join this Project,
please let me know.