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  The Real World Series of Data Models

I recently became interested in the question of modelling the Real World in a generic manner, so that specific examples could be based on that Generic Model. This page summarises my progress so far,after a few days work, and here's a very valuable Overview.
Please feel free to ask for a Model, comment or make suggestions.
This page answers the question :-
'Is there a Generic Data Model that I can use as a starting-point for a Database for my area of interest ?'.

  Here is a list of our current Real World Models

Our current Models
The Generic World The Generic view of the Real World, which is a good starting-point to understand the other Data Models.
World of CSR The area of CSR, (Corporate Social Responsibility), is becoming increasingly important.
World of Entertainment The world of Entertainment is fascinating.
World of Insurance Maybe not so fascinating, unless you need it !!!
World of Sports The world of Sports is even more fascinating.

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