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The Draft Business Rules have been defined and are listed below.
The Area being Modelled is :-
A School Management System.
The User Requirements have been defined as follows :-
A Generic School Management System
A Database is required to support an Online school system which should be so generic that
any number of schools in an area, (eg Town/country/world) can register to use the System.
The Database should include Teachers,Student,Parents and so on.
1) A Teacher could submit reports,datasheets of student with their remarks.
2) Parents, (after entering their Password) could view the progress,dues,notices etc
of their children plus any query or discussion regarding their child etc..
3) Student can view their progress,notices,dues.....with their passwords.
This would be like a general plateform to provide School-Specific faciltiies.
B. The Things of Interest, ('THINGS'), include :-
B.1 Attendance
B.2 Classes
B.3 Parents
B.4 Register
B.5 Schools
B.6 Students
B.7 Teachers
C. These THINGS are Related as follows :-
C.1 A STUDENT can register for zero, one or many CLASSES.
D. Other Characteristics of these THINGS include :-
E. Sample Data includes :-
E.1 To be determined
F. Typical Enquiries include :-
F.1 To be Determined
Barry Williams
1st. May 2004
Principal Consultant
Database Answers