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Service Assessment
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These Business Rules define the functional requirements which the Database must meet.
They form the basis for agreement between the User and the Database Designer and are
written in a form of structured English which is clear and unambiguous.
The Business Rules have been defined and are detailed here ...

A. The Area being Modelled is :- Service Assessment

User Requirements :- 

A. Things of Interest :-
A.1 Service Provider (Organization, branch, dept)
A.2 Recipients (public, inter-branch, inter-dept, organization-wide)
A.3 Services 
A.4 Elements/attributes of each service
A.5 Questions (can have more than 1 for an element). 
A.6 Results table - stores response for each question of each service answered by a respondent. 
A.7 A Report is required which should aggregate to elements, services, provider, and respondent demographics. 
B. These THINGS_OF_INTEREST are Related as follows :-
B.1 To be determined.
D. What else do we know about the THINGS_OF_INTEREST :-
D.1 Services can be of the following types :-
  • customized application packages
  • e-directory
  • email system
  • helpdesk
  • online payment service
  • organization website
  • PC maintenance
  • in-house software
  • intranet
  • staff traning
  • technical support
  • etc. The service can be for internal (same branch,dept or different dept/branch) or external (customers). In other words any type of service related to IT and IS regardless whether a information system is actually used or not. E. Sample Data includes :- E.1 To be determined F. Typical Enquiries include :- F.1 To be determined. Barry Williams Principal Consultant Database Answers 25th. July 2002

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