Database Answers Services for Certification (Click for Web Site)
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Data Model for  Services for Certification   

An Access Database is available.

We might also design a Data Mart which is very useful for providing data for Reports and Business Intelligence.

We would be glad to have your comments.

If you are new to Data Models, this page of my new Tutorial will help you understand the Data Model.

The Requirements Have been derived from the Wikipedia entry for Certification

This is a Tutorial is how to use Subjective Area Models to create an Enteprise Data Model.
We use contents of our Library of Subject Area Model.

Step 1 - 
Establish the Semantic Model and describe the functionality :-
"Services are provided to Clients to ensure that their Assets comply with 
the appropiate Rules and Regulations.
Semantic Data Model
1. Assets
At first, we chose our Product Catalogs Data Model, 
because we wanted to model hierarchies, 
but then we decided that we needed a more flexible approach than 
fixed hierarchies, so we decided that Assets Maintenance is more suitable.
Product Catalogs Data Model
2. Clients
We have only one Party-related Data Model in our Library but it is a generic solution.
We are happy to use it for our requirements, which include corporate Clients and 
personal Staff members, as well as (perhaps) Suppliers.
Therefore, we wil use our Data Mode for Parties, Roles and Customers.
Parties, Roles and Customers Data Model
3. Client Services
Our requirement is to model a situation where we have many Clients who can request any 
number of Services from a wide range of Services.
There will usually be criteria that indicate which Services are relevant.
The most general and useful solution is our Data Model for Generic Customers and Services.
Customers and Services Generic Data Model
4. Documents 
we have a number of Document-related Models in our Library so for the 
moment we use the one for Generic Document Management.
The Documents will include Reports and results of Assessments and 
ISO Certifications
Generic Document Management Data Model
5. Pricing 
we have a Data Model for generating Financial Statements.
This is driven by Chart of Accounts and General Ledgers.
Financial Statement Generator Data Model
6. Schedules 
We have a number of Asset-related Models but we have chosen this one, which 
is specifically for Asset Schedules.
Assets Schedules Data Model
7. Services 
we have many Data Models for Services and we have chosen this one for Services.
Services Data Model
8. Workflow 
we have a Data Model for Workflow.
Workflow Data Model
An additional Model for the Lifecycle of an Asset
Following an Event-oriented Approach
The Lifecycle of an Asset - Step 5
Step 10 - Finally, create the 'Business-friendly' Semantic Model
This is specifically designed to be the 'Business-friendly' and to provide a 
vehicle for communication with business users and Subject Matter Experts.
We have not shown the 'Rabbits-Ears' to keep the diagram simple and 
easier to understand.
Final Semantic Data Model for Services for Certification

Barry Williams
Principal Consultant
Database Answers Ltd.
London, England
March 5th. 2014

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