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Staff Movements
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The Requirements have been defined by the User as follows :-

i am total stumped with the papers, with a lot of informations to be put into database. Simple but too complex to me... how to make database like that for Staffs daily movemen.
i want to record all the staffs duty everyday, monthly, yearly.

i have to make query for each months and each year to keep tracks of all the staff and their duties. There is no need for everyday.
A. Things of Interest include :- A.1 Calendar A.2 Staff A.3 Staff Duties A.4 Staff Rotas and Schedules C. How are these Things of Interest related ? C.1 Staff members have many Duties C.2 Staff members appear on many Rotas C.3 Staff Rotas have many Staff members.

Barry Williams
8th. October 2004
Principal Consultant
Database Answers


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