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Data Models for Tutorial on Cloud Services Architecture   
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Here are two Tutorials that we prepared a while ago :-
1. MDM in Law Enforcement
2. MDM in Product Shipments

This shows how MDM fits into the MVC architecture

Conceptual Model
Three levels of Data
In my Reference Data Architecture, I have identified three levels of Data :-
1. Transaction
2. Master
3. Reference
Of these, both Master and Reference are candidates for MDM and here 

Here we show some examples. We might need to link to established sources of Master and Reference Data. Master Data | Reference Data | Data Stewards | Date Changed| Nature of Change | Timetables | | Joe Bloggs | | | | Airlines | John Smith | | | | Airports | John Smith | | |
This Slide shows the Microsoft view of M-V-C

EMVC Design Pattern
Steps in using the MVC Approach (the 'low code approach')
Step 1. Create the Conceptual and Logical Data Models and populate the 'Model' Component.
Step 2. Create the 'Database' Component including MDM.
Step 3. Design the Customer Journeys and create the Controller Component accordingly.

Barry Williams
Principal Consultant
Database Answers Ltd.
London, England
April 3rd. 2017

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