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Boschendhal Estate, South Africa

  Development Work

This pages lists the current and planned Development activities, and has links to the appropriate Data Models. The indicated Priotities are to be confirmed with Peter. The principle is to complete the smaller activities first.

Development Activities and Priorities
  BMEWS System Description  
  IBM Start Now Good starting page  
  IBM Start Now Net.Portal from MediaApps - maybe good start for Portal  
  Paper for EDF Draft of Step-by-Step  
  Testing Test Remote Nr.8 Oracle Check Users  
  Testing Test Remote Nr.9 Access Check Users  
Mkting Alan Discuss collaboration, marketing and pricing.  
Mkting BMEWS Check entry in IBM Global Solutions Directory.  
Mkting BMEWS Review Oracle Solutions Directory.  
Mkting Info Catalog Find the Australian Consultants.  
Mkting Ref Data Base/Mgr Enter in IBM Global Solutions Directory.  
Mkting Ref Data Base/Mgr Add list of Ref Data Tables, and think about the Price.  
Mkting Ref Data Base/Mgr Follow-up Malcolm Chisholm.  
Mkting UN BP Advice and different email address.  
Mkting UN BP ---> BMEWS Produce Business Plan for Professional Services Companies.  
Mkting UN BP ---> BMEWS Add Hard-coded Clients, Contacts and Projects.  
Mkting UN BP ---> BMEWS Add Table-driven Clients, Contacts and Projects.  
0 Best Practice (Display) Completed  
0 Communities Completed  
0 First Timers Completed  
0 Informaton Catalog Completed Phase 1 - User Extendable to be added. Info Cat
0 Performance OK - but text needs update to revised GMI text.  
0 Users OK - Just a login page, (followed by User Options to be replaced by myDBA).  
0 Search OK - except Atomz search needs to be reset to from  
0 Site Map Completed.  
1 Ask a Question 'You will be redirected ...' should be in blue.  
2 Answer a Question OK (requires login as dba_admin).
1) 'date_answered' should not be displayed for new Questions.
2) 'Response' should show text of answer for Answered Questions.
3 Data Model Search Completed.  
4 Best Practice display OK - needs ability to read Best Practice type from tables. Best Practice
5 Portal Will be based in a simple version for DBA Admin Portals
6 User Facilities Check through draft User Scenarios.  
7 Information Catalog Confirm existence of browse.asp and various results4_*.asp.  
8 Information Catalog Add Tables, Table_Columns and Table_Colum_Data. InfoCat
9 Information Catalog Add Clients, Projects and Staff Tables, with enter and display facilities,(Ref_Languages is set up as test). InfoCat
10 Information Catalog Add User-Extensible facilities to create Entities, enter and display data. InfoCat
11 Information Catalog Create Forms for User-Extensible facilities - Tables, Columns and Table_Columns. InfoCat
12 Login First page displayed is index.htm.
Login then goes to page4_whoever.asp.
Subsequent 'home' goes to index.asp.
13 Reference Database Add Lisa Standards to Reference Data Catalog, applies to Products and Ref Data Mgr
14 Ref Data Manager Consider creating RefDataMgr as a separate Product.
Confirm features, define Scenarios and review competition.
Follow-up sources - OSI,BSI, Malcolm Chisholm
Ref Data Mgr
15 User Portal Level 1) DBA Admin should go to page4_dba_admin.htm
Level 2) Any other User goes to page4_basic_user.thm
Level 3) Add facility to link Best Practices to Areas of Interest and/or Job/Role.
20 KPI Sources Intaz (NZ) - May have discontinued their KPI Product.  
21 KPI Sources Semansys(Dutch) - looks goods with 'Quick Ethics' and 'KPI-Mapping'.  
  Globalization Incorporate Lisa Standards in Best Practice recommendations and Glossary. Ref Data Mgr
  Globalization Add translation facility from BabelFish, - maybe add language_code to Tables.  
  Publication Draft a Paper and find an outlet on "The Characteristics of an Extensive ICT Toolkit".  


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