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Steps in a General Approach to Data Migration

This Page describes a series of Steps in a General Approach to Data Migration between Source Systems and Target Systems.
It covers Extract, Transformation and Load.

There are no technical risks in Data Migration because it is a well-established procedure.
However, it is important to get User involvement right from the start, and
to get User sign-off at the end when all the Data has been successfully migrated.

There are not many books on Database Migration, but here are two :-

  1. Migrating Legacy Systems, by Brodie and Stonebraker
    Stonebraker is well-respected as the Architect of Ingres, but I didn't like this book very much.
    At, but the only reviewer gave it 4 stars.
  2. 90 Days to the Data Mart, by Alan Simon.
    This,of course,is devoted to Data Marts, but covers some common ground.
    At, but the only reviewer gave this one 5 Stars.

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