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  Knowledge Management

It is hard to decide whether Knowledge Management (KM) is ever going to become a mainstream discipline. But just in case, and because it is an area I find interesting, here's a page about KM

  Here is a series of Useful Links

Follow these Links for Who's Doing What and the current State-of-the-Art.
Knowledge Management ...
Advice APQC Recommended - American Performance and Quality Control Offers a Roadmap to KM and a KM Blog.
Advice Blog Offered by the American Performance and Quality Control (see above).
Advice UN ESCAP has adopted KM Guidelines from the American Performance and Quality Control
Book Idiot's Guide to KM. I picked this up cheaply and it's a good introduction, by Dr. Melissie Clemmons Rumizen.
Conference I Know 5 5th. International Conference on Knowledge Management
29th June - 1st, July, Graz, Austria.
Conference ICKM Malaysia International Conference on Knowledge Management
7th - 9th. July, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Conference World Bank Lecture by Bruno Laporte,
18th May, Washington.
Conference Paper Software Tools. Presented by 'Archives and Museum Informatics'.
Discusses Dublin MetaData.
Consulting Destination KM Highly Recommended as an excellent starting-point.
Consulting e-Knowledge Center  
Consulting Somebody's Hobby site- simple and crude with just a variety of links, mostly to (qv).
Experts Verna Allee Well worth checking out.
HelpJuice Helpjuice (Free Trial) Highly Recommended (March 23rd. 2019) New
Indigenous KM in Swaziland. Describes the codification in Swaziland,Africa, of knowledge on diseases and indigenous plants used to treat them, traditional healing, law and custom, folk tales, constitutional preferences, etc..
Argues that ICT professionals can play a key role in indigenous knowledge organization.
Malaysia MSC Knowledge Worker Partnership supported by the MultiMedia Super Corridor.
Vendors Karl-Heinz Sveiby A practitioner with many years experience.
Vendors Know Inc.  
Vendors Knowledge-base Solutions. Some impressive Clients, like Boeing, Cisco and DOD.
Vendors "The Brain" Interesting prodct called the Brain Enterprise Knowledge Platform
Web Sites Native Mapping A Canadian-based Aboriginal Mapping Network.
Critical Analysis ...
Critical Analysis What is it ? A definition offered by the University of Sussex, England.
Critical Analysis and Popular Culture with particular emphasis on the United States, from Washington State University.
Critical Analysis How to Discusses how to do Critical Analysis of published material, research articles, etc., from Southeastern Louisiana University.

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