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  Oracle PL/SQL

PL/SQL is Oracle's proprietary extension to SQL.
It is a very powerful Tool and essential skill for anyone who is a Oracle professional.
This Page contains a number of useful and relevant links.
Here's a Product Review from from OraFAQs which provides a useful comparison of some leading Products,
and here's a listing about 35 products provided by Bill Pribyl, author of O'Reilly's excellent 'Learning Oracle PL/SQL".

We have a separate page devoted to PL/SQL Development.

If you have any suggestions for PL/SQL-related links please let me know.

9i New PL/SQL Features - Oracle Some interesting new capabilities.
Bulletin Board Ask Questions - Quest Provided by Quest, who sell TOAD.
Certification SQL & PL/SQL - CramSession Offers Study Guides and Self-Test
Debugger PL/SQL Trace $20 Material Dreams "Overcomes the limitations of DBMS_OUTPUT."
Inheritance PL/SQL Objects - Oracle Discussion of Inheritance and Object Types
Knowledge Base Knowledge XPert - Quest Looks useful - Best Practice and Expertise.
Tutorials A wide range of Online Tutorials is available, simply go to Google, and search for 'pl/sql online tutorials'.
Online Tutorials PL/SQL Tutorial Free Learning Oracle A wide range of Oracle courses
Online Tutorials PL/SQL Tutorial and Reference Free University of Natal, South Africa Some strange redirection going on, but the end-result looks ike a good Free tutorial on PL/SQL.
Online Tutorials TutorGig - TutorGig TutorGig provides information on a range of courses from other sources, some free, and some SQL only.
Online Tutorials Oracle 8 : Introduction $145 or £99/year SkillsPride Very Affordable.
Online Tutorials PL/SQL Fundamentals £1/day WebLearningNetwork Very Affordable.
Online Tutorials PL/SQL Cursors and Exceptions £1/day WebLearningNetwork Very Affordable.
PSP PL/SQL Pages - Oracle documentation Examples of PL/SQL Server Pages,(requires OTN Login).
PSP PL/SQL Pages - Oracle documentation See Chapter 18 for how to embed PL/SQL in Web Pages.


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