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Demonstration for the WorldFish Center - Details of current Project List  
  • This page is a demonstration of how Project details can be stored in a Database and displayed on demand.
  • Access to the list of Project can be password-protected so that it is available only to authorised Users.
  • There is an Administator who will be responsible for maintaing list of authorised users.

    Data from the Project Table
    Project Short Description Start Date End Date Project Coordinator
    Co-management A collaborative research of WorldFish Center and Institute for Fisheries Management and Coastal Community Development. 1994 2003 Norlia Shidan
    INGA A global forum for collaborative research and training in fish breeding and genetics 1st. Jan 2001 31st. Dec 2001 Norlia Shidan
    Mekong The objective is to enhance the quality of life of people in Mekong River Region. 1st. Jan 2001 31st. Dec 2001 Norlia Shidan
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