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Student Attendance Data  
  • This page shows an example of how the KPI values can be displayed.
  • It would only be accessible to a Registered User with the appropriate access privileges.
  • This version is a draft which will be changed before final completion.
  • Here's the underlying Data Model, and the current Status of the Paper.

    Data from the daily Students Attendance Records
    DATE KPI Min Max Actual Red or Green
    10-May-2003 Total Staff Attendance 100 300 350 Red
    9-May-2003 Total Staff Attendance 100 300 300 Green
    8-May-2003 Total Staff Attendance 100 300 200 Green
    7-May-2003 Total Staff Attendance 100 300 100 Green
    6-May-2003 Total Staff Attendance 100 300 50 Red
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