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Introduction to SOAP

When you start thinking about Data Architectures, you soon get into 'Web Services'.
This in turn, leads to thinking about ways of exchanging data by using Remote Services
provided as Web Services from unknown processors.
One of the standards that these Remote Services can conform to is called SOAP, which stands for 'Simple Object Access Protocol'
SOAP serves as an underlying method invocation protocol for Hewlett-Packard's e-Speak and Microsoft's .NET. 
It therefore provides a standard syntax for passing arguments and results back and forth between execution environments.
Here is a series of Useful Links :-
ArsDigita Beginner's Introduction
IBM Developer Works Using WSDL in SOAP Applications.
SoapWare Busy Developers Guide.
Sun Sun ONE(Open Net Environments) White Papers.
W3 Consortium Web Service Description Language, (WSDL).
W3 Consortium Specifications Version 1.1.

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