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  Street Environment Services
  • This page monitors progress by Local Authorities in using IT to improve the quality of Street Environment Services.
    State of the Art
    Technology is increasingly being used in Street Environment Services.
    The State-of-the-Art is characterised by PDAs, with Maps and GPS with isolated examples of photographs on Council Web Sites.
    The future will see more closely integrated Data Architecture, with Self Service Access by Council staff and the general public.

  •   Some Useful References
    Images 28th. June Here's an image of Street Environment Management, with a mouseover ,a BMEWS SOA Data Architecture for presentations and a Top-Level demonstration of Traffic Lights for Performance Reporting.
    Fly-Tipping 31st. July A News Release from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs ('Defra') reports Fly-Tipping costs £50M to clear up.
    A spokesman, identified only as 'Joe', said that better public information about refuse collection could help.
    For the past year, Councils have been logging incidences of Fly-Tipping into a huge National 'FlyCapture' Government Database.
    Babergh 29th. May The Daily Telegraph reports that Babergh District Council is hiding spy cameras in empty drink cans to catch Fly-tippers. Babergh offers BabelFish to provide Translation Services for visitors to its Web Site.
    Caerphilly 14th. March Caerphilly CBC became the first Council in Wales to introduce a mobile data system from Exor to improve road maintainenance. The benefits include savings of nearly £500 a day. Mobile computers are installed in highway maintenance vehicles, linked via satellite tracking to the council offices. The process of sharing information with the office has been reduced from ten days to thirty seconds.
    Lewisham 19th.May Residents are encouraged to upload photos of Graffiti, Abandoned Vehicles, Fly Tipping, etc. direct to the Lewisham web site.
    This is very popular, with 2 or 3 photos being uploaded every day.
    Lewisham 27th.Mar MobHappy - the Techie Consultants behind Lewisham's Photo Upload facility.
    London Waste 6th. April GPS has been installed to track the positions of 35 vehicles.
    Mansfield 19th.May Computing reports that "Council Cleaners get Fleet Tracking"
    This article reports the use of GPS to keep track of its fleet of Street Cleansing Vehicles, monitoring them in real-time. This supports dealing with problems like Abandoned Vehicles, Fly Tipping, Graffiti and Litter.
    Morpeth 18th.May Computing reports that "Mobile devices help tackle street crime"
    This article reports the use of hand-held devices by 220 street wardens to report incidents such as Abandoned Vehicles, Fly Tipping, Graffiti and Vandalism.
    The information is sent by GPRS to a central Database.
    Swindon 26th.September IT Week reports that "... considerable benefits from the deployment of mobile technology."
    At present 60 Council staff have hand-held PDA devices and this will grow as Mobile devices address a wide range of applications in the street environment, including litter collection,street lighting and abandoned vehicles. "
    Consillium Systems Consillium has worked with over 100 Local Authorities in the UK. They are active in Mobile applications and supplied the Mobile system to Swindon which is reported above.
    DataPro Software DataPro is "used by almost 25% of Local Authorities in London."
    ECT Software ECT specialises in providing services for Street Environment. They offer ECHO which can support a Data Mart for Performance Reporting.
    Exor Systems Exor offers a range of products and services to support Environment Services. The new release of their software,('Atlas') announced at their first International Conference on 14th.June, will include Mobile working, Performance Dashboards, etc.
    GraphData Software GraphData is popular with Local Authorities and offers GeoReveal for displaying totals on a map of a Borough with Wards, as well as PlanAccess to provide a Web Service-based display of details at the Street level.
    iBase Systems iBase offers a hand-held called Grip, with a range of supporting software for GIS, Mapping and Data Entry.

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