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  Tutorial 4 Best Practice in MDM

Step 1) Manage Reference Data.

This Data can be maintained in a number of different formats.
It frequently starts out in a Spreadsheet, then it migrates to an Access Database and finally to SQL Server or Oracle to be published over the corporate Intranet. It can also start out in a Content Management System but sooner or later it will end up in a Database which functions as a Corporate Repository.

  Reference Data

Ref Data Name Type Code Type Description
Address Type BILL Billing Address
Address Type DEL_1 Delivery Address
Address Type WH Warehouse
Order Status CANC Cancelled
Order Status COM Completed
Order Status DEL Delivered
Order Status PAID Paid
Order Status PT Part-Filled
Payment Method AmEx American Express
Payment Method CHK Check or Cheque
Payment Method CSH Cash
Payment Method DD Direct Debit
Payment Method MC Master Card
Product Type Book Book
Product Type CD CD
Product Type Coffee Coffee
Product Type DVD DVD
Product Type General General
Product Type TBD To Be Determined

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