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Free Music Sites
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Boschendal Estate, South Africa
You can download free music from these Sites (usually MP3 files)
Things are changing in this area as a result of legal action by the music industry, so maybe from time to time, these Sites will close down, or offer limited services, or paid-for services.
If you'd like to give us comments, please contact us.
Here is a series of Useful Links, which are in alphabteical order :-
1 Aimster Now called Madster.
2 Audio Galaxy The best design, and DEFINITELY the best for MP3 files.
3 BearShare The most popular - but slow and unreliable.
4 Gnotella A good design,and "Probably the best of the bunch, but not a patch on the original Napster" says the Guardian newspaper in England.
5 iMesh Gaining in popularity.
6 KaZaa Calls itself a "Media Community", but "One to avoid" says the Guardian.
7 LimeWire 2nd. most popular.
8 Madmster Used to be called Aimster before the name change. Now also offers a paid service at $4.95/month.
9 Morpheus Also spelled Morphius - looks excellent.
10 Napster The original, but now changed into a fee-paying service for buying music online.

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