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Underwater in Fiji Summary :-Most Newspaper Home Page predictably try to cram a lot into a small space, with summaries of current stories, lots of links, and regular features. They are not very visually appealing, but are quite efficient.
1 UK Daily Telegraph Blue Home Page, with a typical mix of pictures, stories and links.
2 USA Wall Street Journal A Good Home Page, with a variety of material and links.
3 Australia Sydney Morning Herald Great Malaysian coverage, and music downloads.
4 USA New York Times A Packed Home Page, with 5 columns of Links.
5 South Pacific Tonga Chronicle Good use of red, Google, and lots of Links.
6 Malaysia Daily Express Home Page is quite attracive.
7 USA USA Today A Good Home Page, mixture of Images, Text and Links.
8 UK Guardian Unlimited "Easy to navigate and intelligently designed", says Forbes Magazine.
9 China South China Morning Post Features an Interative Information Map of China.
10 UK Times of London Home Page is adequate, with mix of ugly text and useful links.
11 Japan The Japan Times Similar style to Times of London.
12 USA Herald Tribune Great Newspaper, but the Home Page is plain and dull

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